Newsflash: October 16, 2023

 Starting off the news for this week, we’re very sad to report that Keith Giffen, of Bwahaha Justice League International fame, among co-creating Lobo, Rocket Raccoon, and Ambush Bug, has passed away at the age of 70. Giffen was… Continue Reading


405: Ignore Rick Jones Until He Leaves of His Own Accord

 Batman was right that one time, the Justice League can shove it! This week, we’re talking about characters who leave super hero teams: why do they do it, how long do they stay gone, and are they right to… Continue Reading


404: Introducing LeatherPhoebe

I dunno if it’s just us or the entire movie-watching public, but is there a case of the blahs going around? Martin Scorsese says comic-book movies are Ruining Cinema — and what if he’s right? Join us for a thoughtful… Continue Reading


Newsflash: Oct 2, 2023

 Oct 2, 2023 newsflash time! It’s the writer’s strike! It’s AI comics! It’s Wall-E or is it Dall-E or is it Dali? We dunno. We talk content creators and Dan Didio’s interesting rant on corporations and the hullabaloo! Jack… Continue Reading


403: Paste Pot Pete’s Sticky Fingers Adventure

 What do Paste Pot Pete, Keep on Truckin’, James Spader, a spooky classy underground cavern and Charlie Chicken Johansson Berger have in common? They’re all in our crazy MAD LIB STORYTIME episode! With the SAG-AFTRA & WGA strikes going… Continue Reading


402: Aquadesantis: Mayor of Atlantis

We’re off to the city! This week, we’re taking a look at some of the cities that super heroes call home. It’s kinda weird that so many of them are Something City, right? Which one would be the safest to… Continue Reading


401: Tin Foil Hypnotism

 Indie Comics!!! New indie comics!! We at Zero Issues LOVE indie stuff ( I know, I know, we talk about the big 2 a LOT) and we love indie creators and crowdfunding too! So this week we’re chatting with… Continue Reading


399: Double Bowie Krang

 We’re back together! No, really. We are. The boys are back together in the same room for the first time after zoom recording for a LONG time. So what do we have planned? um…. nothing. We’re just gonna get… Continue Reading