277: Martian Hunterbean

 Y’know who’s boring and they never seem to get right, even though he’s pretty much the same as Superman? Martian Manhunter. Think the three of us can fix the comic book equivalent of Great Value cola? Have we got… Continue Reading


276: Where’s Rambo and Your Scary Dead Boyfriend?

 Rambo and dead boyfriends! Wandavision is pretty great, amirite? This week we delve into the mysteries of episode 4 of that MCU show as well as exploring intercompany comic crossovers. What did we love the best? What disappointed us… Continue Reading


275: Hope v Dickery: Debate of Superman

Superman: beacon of hope, or beacon of NOPE? That’s the question we grapple with today! Does Superman inspire humanity to greatness, or is he just a power-rich jerk in a dumb cape? Do other heroes better represent the hopeful ideal?… Continue Reading


274: Several Issues Graphic Novel Podcast

Y’know, we as a podcast may have fallen victim to the super hero industrial complex. We used to talk about comics! This week we take a break from what’s going on in super hero books and TV shows and movies,… Continue Reading


273: Kraven the Deli Owner

 QUITTERS!! The lot of ’em!!! That’s what superheroes are! And that’s what we’re talking about this week. Can you think of a hero that hasn’t, even for just a short bit, called it quits? It’s a small list. From… Continue Reading


272: Wondy, Mando, and the “Multiplicity” Sequel

Kick off 2021 with us as we dig into a couple of the big releases of the season: Wonder Woman 1984 and The Mandalorian! We’ve got some different, and at times complicated, takes on these two, and we hope we… Continue Reading


271: Remy LeBeau’s Homemade Spicy Gumbo (and other cards against human decency)

2020 is over, bay-bee! And to close out a gross year, let’s play a gross game: comic cards against humanity! And fair warning, this gets VERY raunchy very quickly. Not safe for work, or the kids, or anyone with their… Continue Reading


269: We Can Always Talk About DB Cooper

 Well Disney dropped a BOMBSHELL the other day, announcing their upcoming plans for all of their properties for the next bazillion years at their investors conference! We of course are focusing on the MARVEL next phase announcements! SO MANY!!!… Continue Reading


268: He’s Oofing and Socking and Whacking and Banging

 It’s time for another exciting, lumberjack filled, rocket levering, punchin’ and jabberjawin’ dramatic read with Big Red McLane-King of the Northwoods!! From the bizarre mind of Fletcher Hanks, we take you into the northwoods with our dramatic radio play… Continue Reading