468: It’s Square (the Wrong Way)

Fight on! It’s March, which means that it’s time for another March Madness episode, where we pick a bunch of comic book characters and make them fight for our, and hopefully your, amusement. This time, we’re pitting Nature versus Future… Continue Reading


439: Equal Opportunity Stink

 It’s alternate ending week on Zero Issues as the boys take well known comic storylines and do a little ‘tweaking’ of the story…. sometimes for good…. sometimes for evil. Onslaught! Hush! Superman vs the Flash! And more! Plus Merk… Continue Reading


Newsflash for January 15, 2024

 Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips’s series Criminal has been given a series order over on Prime, which means that hey, comic book creators are going to be making some money for once! If only there were some sort of… Continue Reading


414: Wax for Cap’s Shield

 It’s HOLIDAY time, folks! So we have a special Christmas episode on Zero Issues… where Kyle & Merk send Bry on a mission with an impossible gift list…. and then they talk about comic characters. Because THAT’S what the… Continue Reading


Newsflash: Oct 2, 2023

 Oct 2, 2023 newsflash time! It’s the writer’s strike! It’s AI comics! It’s Wall-E or is it Dall-E or is it Dali? We dunno. We talk content creators and Dan Didio’s interesting rant on corporations and the hullabaloo! Jack… Continue Reading


399: Double Bowie Krang

 We’re back together! No, really. We are. The boys are back together in the same room for the first time after zoom recording for a LONG time. So what do we have planned? um…. nothing. We’re just gonna get… Continue Reading


Classic Zero Issues 3 (2023): The Shredder’s a Real Blanche

What’s THIS? A surprise third Classic Zero Issues episode? Well, since a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episode has hit theatres, why not enjoy this 2020 episode celebrating the first-ever TMNT film?? Personally, we recommend it. Here’s the original write-up:… Continue Reading


396: Get Me Out of Your Mouth. We’re Bros.

 It’s TURTLE TIME! With the new TMNT movie arriving, we’re doing a turtle episode! Kyle begins by interviewing esteemed Turtle scholar Esa Keltamaki about the TMNT comic series ‘The Last Ronin’-SPOILERS. Bry listened to part of it. Merk intentionally… Continue Reading


393: ROMish the Non-Electric Space Knight

 TRAVEL THROUGH TIME WITH THE ZERO ISSUES BOYS! Or at least about 44 mins of it, as we discuss time travel in comics!! Join us as we discuss time travel storylines and pitch a few of our own! Specifically… Continue Reading