272: Wondy, Mando, and the “Multiplicity” Sequel

Kick off 2021 with us as we dig into a couple of the big releases of the season: Wonder Woman 1984 and The Mandalorian! We’ve got some different, and at times complicated, takes on these two, and we hope we… Continue Reading


262: Draclactus OR GaDractus OR Galacula

 Boo! Boooooooooo! Boooooo! This week, we’re talking about monsters, and how they seem to end up in mainstream superhero books pretty dang often. Werewolf By Night, Cap Wolf, that time The Living Mummy was part of a super hero… Continue Reading


255: I Want to see Mike Mignola Draw Hank Hill

 It’s creator spotlight time as the boys discuss Hellboy creator and inky wizard, Mike Mignola! From his early days with Marvel (until he dropped an upper decker in Jim Shooter’s toilet….. that story is unconfirmed) to his awesome pandemic… Continue Reading


218: Death by a Thousand Snyder Cuts

 Release the Snyder Cut! I guess! There’s somehow still talk of this thing (possibly more talk, even), so this week, we’re coming up with our own Snyder Cuts. How do you fix a movie like Justice League, anyway? And… Continue Reading


211: Fluff Me

 This is the end, beautiful friends…. for these unfortunate characters! This week we pitch endings in the spirit of several Marvel titles that tell the last story of that character. However we don’t know which characters until the last… Continue Reading


210: Flowers for Dick

 Ruination! This week, we set out to ruin some of our favourite characters. Kinda like all those times that we’ve tried to fix characters that haven’t gotten their fair shake, but the opposite. Moon Knight, Thor, and Nightwing are… Continue Reading



 This week we catch up with the absolute hell of news that was announced in-between recording dates – from TV and movie announcements at D23 and beyond! And believe it or not, it’s not all Marvel! I mean, it’s… Continue Reading


197: Raising Cable

 This week the boys take it on the road! …. or at least talk about comic characters taking it on the road. With Spidey: Far from Home coming out they discuss heroes out & about, traveling the world! And… Continue Reading


192: Of Televisional Crime-Detecting Units & Radiophonic Thought-Recording Rays

Zounds! Once again we dig into the Fletcher Hanks Bible to perform a mind-bending dramatic reading from the adventures of the Super Wizard Stardust! This time, ol’ Dusty goes up against a mad scientist who plans to reverse the Earth’s… Continue Reading