273: Kraven the Deli Owner

 QUITTERS!! The lot of ’em!!! That’s what superheroes are! And that’s what we’re talking about this week. Can you think of a hero that hasn’t, even for just a short bit, called it quits? It’s a small list. From… Continue Reading


262: Draclactus OR GaDractus OR Galacula

 Boo! Boooooooooo! Boooooo! This week, we’re talking about monsters, and how they seem to end up in mainstream superhero books pretty dang often. Werewolf By Night, Cap Wolf, that time The Living Mummy was part of a super hero… Continue Reading


244: Superman, Your Kid’s a Nerd!

 It’s that time of year again! No not to get your fishin’ license and go looking for Aquaman! It’s Father’s Day this weekend! So we look at superhero dads who you may not have known had gone out &… Continue Reading


211: Fluff Me

 This is the end, beautiful friends…. for these unfortunate characters! This week we pitch endings in the spirit of several Marvel titles that tell the last story of that character. However we don’t know which characters until the last… Continue Reading


146: Enjoy Your Chili Fries… in Hell!

Avengers: Infinity War comes out… wow, tomorrow? But the hype is SO big that we’re here to help you get through the next 24 hours, by dropping the Avengers into other movies to see how they’d handle ‘em! We’ve got… Continue Reading


Episode 6: A Valid Use for Lightning

Grandfathered in! This week, the boys talk about things that maybe made sense at the time of creation in comics, but don’t especially hold water these days. Plus: a thoughtful discussion on art vs. commerce in the internet age, because… Continue Reading