Newsflash for Feb 19, 2024
NEWSTIME!!! GET YA NEWS!!! There’s lots going on, so strap in! Sad, Great and a few floating in between. The sad passing of comics great Paul Neary, as well as the tragic news of a crew member of the… Continue Reading
NEWSTIME!!! GET YA NEWS!!! There’s lots going on, so strap in! Sad, Great and a few floating in between. The sad passing of comics great Paul Neary, as well as the tragic news of a crew member of the… Continue Reading
Why buy Crom when you can rent Crom? This and MANY other Crom puns await you as we listen to a remarkably civilized sounding Power Records ’45 called Conan the Thunder Dust! All that AND Merk talks about some… Continue Reading
A new Marvel Series is out! ECHO! Echo… echo…. echo…. ok. We’re going to use that joke a few times. Get comfortable as we discuss this new Marvel Disney+ series. Was it good? Was it bad? What worked? What… Continue Reading
It’s HOLIDAY time, folks! So we have a special Christmas episode on Zero Issues… where Kyle & Merk send Bry on a mission with an impossible gift list…. and then they talk about comic characters. Because THAT’S what the… Continue Reading
It’s CELERY SLAM 3!!! The super popular and not at all made up by us annual event between Halloween & Christmas when characters associated with each of those holidays go head to head in a battle of … celery…… Continue Reading
It’s Kyle’s birthday so Bry & Merk decide to FINALLY reveal his secret origin! Hear about Baby Beard Kyle! Ol’ hickory eyes Lees they called him. Hear about his crime fighting career as Sneeze Lees and his sidekick Tooters.… Continue Reading
Oct 2, 2023 newsflash time! It’s the writer’s strike! It’s AI comics! It’s Wall-E or is it Dall-E or is it Dali? We dunno. We talk content creators and Dan Didio’s interesting rant on corporations and the hullabaloo! Jack… Continue Reading
Indie Comics!!! New indie comics!! We at Zero Issues LOVE indie stuff ( I know, I know, we talk about the big 2 a LOT) and we love indie creators and crowdfunding too! So this week we’re chatting with… Continue Reading
400! That’s way more than some Frank Miller book! To celebrate making it to 400 episodes, we’re going to do a whole load of 400-second segments! Marvel as Batman fights Mondays! Feel the shame of knowing we live in… Continue Reading
It’s TURTLE TIME! With the new TMNT movie arriving, we’re doing a turtle episode! Kyle begins by interviewing esteemed Turtle scholar Esa Keltamaki about the TMNT comic series ‘The Last Ronin’-SPOILERS. Bry listened to part of it. Merk intentionally… Continue Reading