149: That Story Not Good Made No Sense

DEATH!!!! It’s all around us. Like cheese and poor customer service, but this week on ZERO ISSUES COMIC PODCAST we’re going head on, face to face, general seriouso, no bull$%#& with comic book deaths….. so …. really…. nothing…. because everyone… Continue Reading


146: Enjoy Your Chili Fries… in Hell!

Avengers: Infinity War comes out… wow, tomorrow? But the hype is SO big that we’re here to help you get through the next 24 hours, by dropping the Avengers into other movies to see how they’d handle ‘em! We’ve got… Continue Reading


134: The Human E-Meter

This week the boys take a look at probably nobody’s favourite Avenger, Triathalon, and try to find a way to make the much-unloved character better! There are at least two really solid ideas in here, we promise! Also: We sort… Continue Reading


Episode 8: They Just Made It Up!

Comics into movies? More like movies into comics! This week, we’re checking out adaptations, THE OTHER WAY! Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Mario, Game of Thrones, and the eternal lack of a Lord of the Rings comics are just a taste of… Continue Reading