217: Greedy Ribisi

It’s LIGHTNING ROUND time once again! A number of unrelated bits & topics & things we do ridiculously! Like … Desert Island Picks! A game of Punchy Punch Player Super Battle Card Fun Deck! What obscure Marvel Characters should be put into a Marvel/Camcon fight game? Hear Bry say ‘What this game is missing is a nazi full of bees…’ and he’s right. Also a brand new game i’m sure we’ll enjoy for years to come.. ‘Name as many Goblins as you can!’ A game of Character Storm and more!!! And find out what Greedy Ribisi means. It’ll become the saying of the year! Share with all your friends!

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216: Hawkman’s Pal Doug

Y’know those pals who are, like… un-super pals? This week we’re talking about the friends, the sidekicks, the hangers-on of the superhero stars! Whether they’re teen sidekicks for the kids to relate to, or middle-aged schlubs for the writer of the comic to relate to, they’ve been loitering around the panels for decades! So in their honour, let’s: Find some new powerless pals for famous superheroes! Pitch a new “League of Losers” team (are you listening, Mr. Bendis?)! Have a friggin’ RICK JONES QUIZ! Snap into action!!

Plus, news! The Snyder Cut keeps threatening to be released! An X-Man is a Canadian Member of Parliament! “Joker” has made a bunch of money! Ben Mendelsohn makes us bleep ourselves! And maybe even more!?

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215: These Are My Treads… This is My Spout!

War, man. War. Did you know there are comics about it? Like, a bunch of them? It’s what we’re talking about this week, and boy, we go through a bunch of ’em. Famous ones like Sgt. Rock and Howling Commandos, formerly-unheard-of ones like Captain Willy Schultz (look it up!), G.I. Joe of course, and just about everything else. Because when Superman fails his eye exam, it’s up to the rest of us.

Plus: so much Disney+ news, and the return of Hulk Out or Fake Out, now with 100% more jingle!

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214: Ain’t No Party Like a Zombie Party Halloween Special

Our annual Halloween Special is here and do we have a special one for you tonight!!! Not one but TWO dramatic reads of two devilishly divine horror comic tales! First up is “Nightmare World” written and art by Basil Wolverton (from Weird Tales of the Future no 3, 1952-so you KNOW they got the future right!) and “Corpses…Coast to Coast!” from Igor Studios (originally appearing in Voodoo no 14, 1954-with a title like that, how could we resist!?!). Of course we dramatize it utilizing the deepest depths of our classically trained comic dramatizing skills! Join us for this, poison mayo, the Russo Brothers and a horrible ‘special one time halloween theme (that will never be used again, but is for the bad movie lovers in us all).

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213: The Schist Hits the Fan

Are you ready to get spooked out of your goddamned minds? This week we watch Man-Thing, the hottest Marvel movie of 2005 (look, the only competition it had was that Fantastic Four movie with Michael Chiklis). It’s free on Youtube! You can just watch it! It’s as if they know they aren’t going to be making the other $29 million of their $30 million budget back.

Also: who’s in charge of putting out bad Marvel stickers now, what are the highest-selling comics (and highest-selling places where you can buy comics), and who wants to play the Penguin now?

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212: You Brought a Gun to a Two-Gun Fight

Let the games begin! This week we’re going Full Game Show as the boys compete in a quiz, a round-circle Character Storm, a round of 20 questions, and a brand new, Merk-created card game using only the finest of 1992 Marvel trading cards!! Plus, yet more news: DC gets themselves a new official timeline, a buncha new books and creative teams, an animated web-series, and… a certain famous newswoman!?

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211: Fluff Me

This is the end, beautiful friends…. for these unfortunate characters! This week we pitch endings in the spirit of several Marvel titles that tell the last story of that character. However we don’t know which characters until the last second so we’re making up their endings on the fly!! How does Machine Man go offline? How does Angel fall to earth? How does Spidey sputter? How does Blade bite it? That plus a House of X game, witness (with your ears) the origin of JIMBERJACK, get a rundown of some Marvel NYCC news, Joker movie first weekend numbers, and a bizarre, rambling open that even we don’t understand how we went from Namorita to ‘what is a casserole’? Join us, won’t you? And please bring your favourite casserole.

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210: Flowers for Dick

Ruination! This week, we set out to ruin some of our favourite characters. Kinda like all those times that we’ve tried to fix characters that haven’t gotten their fair shake, but the opposite. Moon Knight, Thor, and Nightwing are so screwed after this (assuming that Marvel ,and DC listen to this podcast [they won’t]).

We’ve got that, plus: more CW Crisis news (this thing needs more cameos, I say), and some more new Amalgam characters! Let’s get ruined!


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209: Ditko Sandwiches!!

It’s Comics Cards Against Humanity time once again! We pit even more of our original questions and answers against each other in a match that isn’t safe for children, or work, or well-adjusted human minds! But first, in honour of Batman Day-Week-Month-Year-Life, we’ve got all the Bat-news you can Bat-handle! And Merk shares some of the lessons he learned while finally watching “Dark Phoenix”!

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208: So It’s Come to This

This week, in Zero Issues “fix this character” fashion, we try to make everyone’s favourite time traveler who is connected to the X-Men…who is a guy…and also is white…. and isn’t a version of Wolverine. Look it’s Cable, we’re trying to fix Cable.

Merk also takes us to school: learning school, that is, with an education on the first appearance of Solomon Grundy! Where’d he get that nice suit? Find out!

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