258: The Gunn Show (and other news)

<iframe src=”https://archive.org/embed/zero-issues-258-the-gunn-show-and-other-news” width=”100%” height=”60″ frameborder=”0″ webkitallowfullscreen=”true” mozallowfullscreen=”true” allowfullscreen></iframe> We haven’t done a news episode for a while, and there’s a whole bunch of somewhat-new and new-new stuff we want to talk about, so here we are! The Superman teaser dropped… Continue Reading


378: Wolverine is a Rich Little Fancy Gentleman

This week we’ve gone team-up crazy! Time for a free-wheeling discussion about the glorious tradition of Marvel Team-Up, Marvel Two-In-One, The Brave and the Bold, and all the wacky combos of the biggest, the weirdest, and the downright obscure! What… Continue Reading


Episode 18: Team Ups – Magneater!

This week we team up with the good people at Sleeping Giant Brewing Company (okay, we do that every episode) to talk about comic book team-ups! Archie Meets the Punisher, Challenge of the Headless Baseball Team, and Namor and Doom… Continue Reading