437: No Ice Cream Until You Join The Defenders

The question all comic fans have wrestled with their whole lives! Which member of The Defenders is the best Defender!? We take five, uh, famous Defenders — The Silver Surfer! Hellcat! Nighthawk! Moondragon! Valkyrie! — and pit them against each… Continue Reading


426: Van Jesus (and Other Easter-Adjacent Tales)

It’s an all-Easter Dramatic Read triple feature! Uh, sort of? If the Easter Bunny and/or Jesus Christ appear, we say it counts. So join us as we bring the printed page to audio life! First up, “Big” Ethel Muggs learns… Continue Reading


411: A Werewolf Having a Panic Attack

 It’s CELERY SLAM 3!!! The super popular and not at all made up by us annual event between Halloween & Christmas when characters associated with each of those holidays go head to head in a battle of … celery…… Continue Reading


362: Cyclops in Blues Traveler

 Oh boy! Lots going on this week! Here’s the briefo rundowno! For a warm up we’re invested in bringing you the very vest… er …. best… or worst, rather, in comic costume redesigns. From Nova to Miles Morales, to… Continue Reading