392: Face It, Tiger – A Romita Retrospective

This week we celebrate the life, career, and amazing legacy John Romita, Sr! From his youth growing up during the golden-age comics boom, to becoming perhaps one of the first fans-turned-pros as he cut his teeth as a comic-book artist… Continue Reading


391: One Bub For Yes, Two Bubs For No

‘Verse Mania is upon us once more! We’ve finally all seen “Across the Spider-Verse” and have a theoretically endless number of things to say about it! From the stunning animation, art and sound design, vocal performances, endless deep-cut references, and… Continue Reading


390: Bizarro Farts Cold

 Which Ninja Turtle smells the worst? How many birds has Wonder Woman killed with her invisible jet? Does Beast Boy need to know what a cow looks like in order to turn into a cow? What If the A-Team… Continue Reading


389: Bananas In. Bananas Out. That’s What Banana Eating is All About!

 Acting!!! Thespians!!! Performers!! Pantomimers….. ok maybe not that one. We’re talking about Comic Book Actors this week. Specifically actors/actresses who have done MULTIPLE comic book roles. Who’s done most? Who’s done the best? Who’s done the worst? We probably… Continue Reading


Newsflash: May 29, 2023

A “shocking development” in The Amazing Spider-Man leaked weeks ahead of its release, leading to a public confirmation and what appear to be extremely mixed feelings about the whole thing! Can you believe Gwen Stacy is back, she was just… Continue Reading


388: Spider-Man’s Greatest Enemy: Reptile!

 Spider(-Man), he is our hero! This week, we take a break from doing deep dives, taxing our brains thinking about new and unique things to do on the podcast, and just do what makes us happy: talkin’ ’bout Spider-Man.… Continue Reading


387: The Chip Zdarsky Interview – Add Beards, Do Cocaine

 Chip Zdarsky! We interview Chip Zdarsky! Lookit us! Talking to other people and stuff. Chip of course is a comic writer/artist of such books as Sex Criminals, Public Domain, Kaptara, Jughead, Howard the Duck, Daredevil and that little title… Continue Reading


386: Taserface II – Requiem

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 is upon us, all 600 distinct versions of it, and we were lucky enough to see version #539! And maybe we were some of the lucky few, because nobody else seems to be talking… Continue Reading


Newsflash: May 8, 2023

 Zero Issues Newsflash for May 8, 2023! Jim Lee becomes Emperor of DC! The Writers Strike, how does it impact comic movies? 3 new DC mini series coming! Whoopi Goldberg’s Dark Horse Graphic Novel! And Fantastic Four Casting Rumours… Continue Reading