281: Dwayne’s Shane Lane Wayne

 OH IT’S WANDAVISIONARY TIME!!! The series is OVER and we wrap it up like a magical pagan christmas present for you, going over the final episodes, dissecting and exploring what it all means. The possibilities, the references, the fan… Continue Reading


225: As Long as Jon Cryer gets Punched in the Face

Let’s ARROWVERSE the %^$# out of this! Crisis! The end of Arrow (Bry is ecstatic!). A spoiler filled exploration of the CW trainwreck that we kinda like…. kinda….. plus so much more! The Marvel Hulu debacle! Obi Wan does Weekend… Continue Reading


195: It’s Just You Guys and Bill Sienkiewicz and that Duck that Cosplays

On this week’s very special episode of Zero Issues Comic podcast, the boys discuss the creative side of making comics: the trials, the tribulations, the pitfalls, the struggles…. and the fun stuff too. They delve into the how and why… Continue Reading


Zero Issues Holiday Half Pint 6-Combo Pack of Beers from Around the Galaxy

 It’s that time of the season again! HOLIDAY HALF PINTS!!! 12 mini episodes leading up to Dec 25th! Episode 6! We talk the Justice League Secret Santa tradition. Who gets what for who and why and for how much?… Continue Reading


Episode 4: Do You Call Pants Jimmies?

Tonight, on a very special late edition (get it?), the boys discuss comic book death! Everything from Aunt May to Jason Todd to, uh, Archie. And more! PLUS: One of the hosts will DIE! Direct Download: MP3