This week the boys celebrate this amazing artist for all that he’s given to comics. From his early days in Argentina starting out in comics, to the iconic work creating the DC Style Guide, to his work at Charlton, to the Batman/Hulk treasury edition or the many other titles he’s brought his stunning talent to like Jonah Hex, Deadman, Atari Force, Adventure Comics and so much more. So let’s celebrate Jose’s 77th birthday (a week early) by looking over his career, his influence and the killer art of a master.
All that AND Kyle brings a new game to the warm up – a 6 degrees of Spider-Man…..
Check it!
Fight on! It’s March, which means that it’s time for another March Madness episode, where we pick a bunch of comic book characters and make them fight for our, and hopefully your, amusement. This time, we’re pitting Nature versus Future (which sounds close enough to Nurture). So expect a team of robots and cyberaters and wind-up dudes fighting some hippie dippie treehuggers, just like Avatar! Both Avatars, kinda!
467: Cloak and Dagger and Alan Moore's Horny Cthulhu
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It’s been a bit since we had a “Fix This Character” episode, in which we reimagine underperforming characters in wildly different ways! This time: CLOAK and DAGGER! And to be honest, Ty and Tandy are great and don’t really need “fixing”. But they seem trapped in the C-list, and maybe a fresh look could help fix that! Kyle reimagines Cloak and Dagger with a more 21st-century approach to the “war on drugs” as super-outreach heroes, helping people in (sometime super-science or magic related) crisis! Merk crafts a detailed and disturbing horror tale set in Victorian London, where the avatars of light and darkness stalk the shadow of Jack the Ripper, who hides a further gruesome secret! And Bry flips a few details in the duo’s origins as they go from unjust imprisonment, to being experimented on, to eventually as the leaders in a war against a deep corporate conspiracy that preys on vulnerable youth!
But first… some comic news!? The Newsflash rises again because Bry really wants to talk about new Superman comics: “Supergirl” by Sophie Campbell! “Krypto: Last Dog of Krypton” by Ryan North and Mike Norton! New old adventures of Clark Kent as Superboy in “Action Comics” by Mark Waid and Skylar Patridge! In which we discuss the ideal length of Super-Trunks, Merk takes us on a lovely tangent about the Godzilla-adjacent series “Monarch”. Oh, and Matt Fraction takes the “writer of Batman with art by Jorge Jiménez” title from his ol’ pal Chip Zdarsky! Is this betrayal, or just the setup for an official “Sex Criminals” crossover? Only time will tell!
CONTENT WARNING: some disturbing and extremely violent details from an actual “Jack the Ripper” case are discussed between 33:58 and 34:42.
John Constantine! This month he celebrates not once, not twice but… no… well, yea, twice. It’s been 40 years since his first appearance in Swamp Thing and 20 years since the Keanu Reeves helmed film was released! Wow.
So we talk about that. The boys reread that first appearance and discuss the bizarreness of that issues…. but it’s Alan Moore, so that’s expected. We discuss the debate on how to say his name. We talk Vertigo, suit colour, being a dick and Sting (the musician AND the wrestler).
We talk about the spectacular casting of that film, and how it didn’t get much love when it first came out.
Plus Sonic films, beards, Christopher Walken, Justice for Jeeves and a warm up about first impressions of other magical comic characters!
And more! It’s f’n magical.
465: You Name Another Thing That's Green and Orange, and Then You Can Stop Shaking Your Head
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This week, to coincide with the release of Captain America: Brave New World, we’re covering Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson, partners in… well, not crime, but mostly the opposite? Captain America and The Falcon, partners since the ’60s. How did they meet? Why do they work so well together? Whaddya mean they’ve both been werewolves? Plus: Bry talks wings, Merk talks MODOK: Origins, and we all talk avian telepathy,and how it should have been in the MCU from the start.
Meanwhile (or a little earlier in the episode, as the format dictates): in the Warmup, Kyle pitches some other movies that are subtitled with the names of books we had to read in high school! Get ready for X-Men: Pryde and Prejudice, something that defintely has never been pitched before! Wooooosh!
In honour of Valentine’s Day, as well as cynicism, we’re discussing each others’ picks for WORST COMIC BOOK COUPLES! Some couples just don’t work, even beyond the usual ups and downs of decades-long continuity. Maybe you root for them, but deep down they’re just bad for each other, and sometimes everyone around them. Bry thinks Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris have left too much destruction in the wake of their romance! Kyle says that Quicksilver and Crystal of the Inhumans deserved to be hit by the Annulment Mists! And Merk has serious ethical concerns about Doctor Lady Jane Foster and Thor Odinson’s off-and-on relationship, and quite possibly the entire idea of superheroes dating civilians at all! And strap in, true believers: this episode’s got Thor lore galore!
But first! Merk tests Kyle and Bry in a comic-book love interest quiz! We’ve got all the hits: Iron Man’s “nose mask” is rusty for no one’s pleasure! Can Batman ever be completely sure he never hooked up with Clayface? What are some wild examples of heroes dating villains? Tony Stark and She-Hulk compete for the most super-romantic entanglements. And more, much more!
(Oh, and Paul Rabin ****ing sucks, but you already knew that, even Dylan Brock knows that.)
463: A 'What the F was I supposed to do about this' Clause
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It’s a Lava Lamp Episode! In that we are just bringing up whatever topics and chatting about everything! What does that have to do with lava lamps? These three knuckleheads have no idea.
Tariffs are first up! How do these effects comics? Comic consumers? Comic makers? Indie comic creators? Kyle brings up Hank Howard Pizza Detective Kickstarter and the troubles insuing…. (This is recorded on Feb 2 and things may have changed drastically. Every day …. something else)
Diamond Distribution Bankruptcy! Wowzers! A 40 year monopoly comes crashing down! We sift through the rubble!
Tubi Conan or not Tubi Conan. THAT is the questions! Merk talks the ’97 live action Conan series he just rediscovered on Tubi along with a few other Tubi gems! (Hey Tubi! Sponsor us!)
Comic characters on social media. Does Peter Parker have an Only Fans to pay the rent?
We anticipate how we’re going to be disappointed by the FF Trailer.
This week/month/news cycle, a lot of us north of the US/Canada border are feeling a little worried. Maybe you are, too, regardless of where you live? From a Canadian perspective, we talk about the relationship between Canada and “The States,” at least in terms of comics. That’s right, we’re talking about We Stand On Guard! But also other stuff, too: how US tariffs may effect the cost of comics, the Canada Whites, that time we kinda sorta burned the White House down, and some new Canadian super heroes for our homegrown comic creators like Jeff Lemire, Ryan North, Fionna Staples, and our best friend forever Chip Zdarsky to work on instead of just more Batman (HONK SHOO, DUDE).
And in the Warmup, Kyle presents a scintilating game of Was It A Real Jimmy or Was It A Pretendo Jimmy, the game where you guess if it was a Real Jimmy or a Pretendo Jimmy (Olsen).
It’s time for another electrifying Dramatic Reading, as we travel back to 1966 for Doctor Solar: Man of the Atom #17! Reacting to a volcanic plot from his arch-nemesis, NURO, the good DOCTOR SOLAR must recharge his waning atomic powers to face off against the hot and cold flame monster PRIMO! Featuring a veritable grab-bag of terrible impressions for this story’s many background extras! It’s a primo episode, baby!
Do you have a mentor? Someone who helped guide you through the weirdness of life? Helped you with picking your first cape to go on patrol in? Or how to take down a sleezeball mugging an old lady at 40 yards? Or how to get bludgeoned with a crowbar…..yeek.
We’re talking mentors this week! From Batman to Green Arrow to Wolverine to ol’ horrible Chuck and many more.
Bry runs a Cosmo style quiz to see who Merk & Kyle would be be suited to be mentored by. And it ain’t Big Daddy.
We look at the high points (Speedy?) and the low points (Speedy?).
Merk also has a warm up talking about using the same actors over and over again in comic book movies. Jason Momoa, he’s looking at you.
Join us for this and so much more!