171: Heckblazers

 You ever read an issue of The Invisibles…on weeeed? Look, we were going to post this episode ever, but we got soooo high, and, like, we were all whoooooa… I know I’m offending someone with this writeup, and y’know… Continue Reading


155: Wolverine Gets Deported

It’s just past Canada Day! It’s the Fourth of July! Tensions are rising on the Canada-US border! So for three Canadian comic fans and creators… what does this mean!? This week we talk all about the impact of an increasing… Continue Reading


149: That Story Not Good Made No Sense

DEATH!!!! It’s all around us. Like cheese and poor customer service, but this week on ZERO ISSUES COMIC PODCAST we’re going head on, face to face, general seriouso, no bull$%#& with comic book deaths….. so …. really…. nothing…. because everyone… Continue Reading


Episode 60: Overexposed Characters – Could Wolverine Be a Helicopter?

This week we’re talking about overexposed characters in comics and movies — your Deadpools, your Harley Quinns, your Wolverines… your Batmen? — and what impact becoming massively, all-consumingly popular can have on these characters and their natural appeal. Also: everything… Continue Reading


Episode 18: Team Ups – Magneater!

This week we team up with the good people at Sleeping Giant Brewing Company (okay, we do that every episode) to talk about comic book team-ups! Archie Meets the Punisher, Challenge of the Headless Baseball Team, and Namor and Doom… Continue Reading