434: John Lith-Go @#$% Yourself

A week late, but worth the wait! As we enter a weird summer movie season in a year with few superhero movies, at least by 21st century standards, we feel compelled to discuss the untapped cinematic potential of comic series… Continue Reading


344: He’s Got a Tubular Spatial, Baby!

 It’s LIGHTNING ROUND TIME! Krackakoom? A bevy of short topics this week such as the recent Marvel Banner of War Hulk/Thor battle (in which we discuss what Celestial bits are floating in space), Kyle runs a game of SUPERFIGHT… Continue Reading


286: Stardust and the Burger King Kids Club

JOIN US! For another action-packed dramatic reading from the Tome of Fletcher Hanks! In another inexplicable STARDUST adventure, our daring hero tackles the sinister FIFTH COLUMN, using his secret weapon: CHILD ENDANGERMENT! Magnets are installed! Winged bombs fly! Unsettling costumes… Continue Reading


257: We’d Just Have to Take a Bunch of Peyote and Go For It

 It’s DRAMATIC READ time once again as we wrap ourselves in the warm, strange blanket that is Fletcher Hanks and his gigantic hero STARDUST the SUPER WIZARD!!!! Follow along as Stardust crushes people’s torsos with one hand! Avoids a… Continue Reading


192: Of Televisional Crime-Detecting Units & Radiophonic Thought-Recording Rays

Zounds! Once again we dig into the Fletcher Hanks Bible to perform a mind-bending dramatic reading from the adventures of the Super Wizard Stardust! This time, ol’ Dusty goes up against a mad scientist who plans to reverse the Earth’s… Continue Reading