427: Welcome to Die

To us, our listeners! X-Men ’97’s first season is about halfway over and there’s been a lot to discuss. So let’s do that! We dig into the first four episodes of the nostalgic revival cartoon, and while we all enjoyed… Continue Reading


424: Alfred With Nunchucks (and Other Rounds of Lightning)

It’s time for another LIGHTNING ROUND! Featuring multiple concise but electric mini-segments! No attention span required! Kyle challenges us to pit randomly-selected comic characters against each other in battle with weapons, in a completely original segment we’re calling, uh, SUPAR… Continue Reading


237: “Hawkman is His Safeword” or: “Daddy, I Want a Hawk!”

KAWW! This week we’re aiming to “fix” another under-appreciated or maligned character… this time, the Hecka Hard-to-follow Hawkman! Carter and/or Katar Hall is mostly famous for an extremely convoluted (even for comics) backstory and continuity. So we aim to do… Continue Reading


181: Do the Webs Come From the Claws?

 Do you ever get tired of the same old powers? Day after day, the same heat vision, the same boring adamantium claws? Well, have comics got the solution for you! That’s right, this week we’re talking about all the… Continue Reading