468: It’s Square (the Wrong Way)

Fight on! It’s March, which means that it’s time for another March Madness episode, where we pick a bunch of comic book characters and make them fight for our, and hopefully your, amusement. This time, we’re pitting Nature versus Future… Continue Reading


465: You Name Another Thing That’s Green and Orange, and Then You Can Stop Shaking Your Head

 This week, to coincide with the release of Captain America: Brave New World, we’re covering Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson, partners in… well, not crime, but mostly the opposite? Captain America and The Falcon, partners since the ’60s. How… Continue Reading


Newsflash for January 15, 2024

 Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips’s series Criminal has been given a series order over on Prime, which means that hey, comic book creators are going to be making some money for once! If only there were some sort of… Continue Reading


405: Ignore Rick Jones Until He Leaves of His Own Accord

 Batman was right that one time, the Justice League can shove it! This week, we’re talking about characters who leave super hero teams: why do they do it, how long do they stay gone, and are they right to… Continue Reading


390: Bizarro Farts Cold

 Which Ninja Turtle smells the worst? How many birds has Wonder Woman killed with her invisible jet? Does Beast Boy need to know what a cow looks like in order to turn into a cow? What If the A-Team… Continue Reading


159: The Eye of Mike Del Mundo

  This week, we’re trying our darnedest to make Doctor Druid into an interesting character. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “who?”, but we cover that as well. Everything from Super Frasier to I-Know-I’m-Not-Doctor-Strange-But-Neither-Are-You to a heavy, solemn series about… Continue Reading