463: A ‘What the F was I supposed to do about this’ Clause

 It’s a Lava Lamp Episode! In that we are just bringing up whatever topics and chatting about everything! What does that have to do with lava lamps? These three knuckleheads have no idea. Tariffs are first up! How do… Continue Reading


316: Celery Day Stalkslam

 For thousands of years, the debate has raged: Christmas? Halloween? Which is the supreme holiday? Today we solve this decisively, once and for all, ion the typical manner of making a bunch of characters, each representing one of the… Continue Reading


237: “Hawkman is His Safeword” or: “Daddy, I Want a Hawk!”

KAWW! This week we’re aiming to “fix” another under-appreciated or maligned character… this time, the Hecka Hard-to-follow Hawkman! Carter and/or Katar Hall is mostly famous for an extremely convoluted (even for comics) backstory and continuity. So we aim to do… Continue Reading


233: Colossus’s Magical Death Stench

 In a very, very topical turn of events, this week’s episode is all about diseases and viruses in comic books. So, from the safety of our various bunkers (no, really, we’re all recording remotely, just like a real podcast!), we… Continue Reading


133: I Can’t Believe DC Ate All Those Dogs

 A new year has arrived, landed upon our doorstep like a much needed word of encouragement after a year of wtf moments. For the first episode of 2018 we do a year in review….we have to…. just to make… Continue Reading