314: Let’s Clean Out the Old Newshole

 Well we had a fun & spooky month but now…. it’s back to business. On to the news! A lot has happened in comic book/film news so we dive right in with Marvel’s problems with Penguin/Random House distribution, Image… Continue Reading


308: Magneto of Green Gables

 It’s a big election week this week in ol’ Canada, so the boys have decided to talk politics! No! Come back! It’s us! We’re ridiculous about it and it all involves comic books! How would Batman vote? What comic… Continue Reading


305: I Am Iron Perlman

 It’s Multiverse Madness this week on Zero Issues! From a new game called CHARACTER SMASH where we smushy smush two completely unrelated characters together to create new ridiculous (but highly marketable) characters, to the main topic where we each… Continue Reading


302: Ghost Rider got Pantene

 Another brand new podcast episode! Shocking news! GASP! Fun games! WOW! Exhilarating stories! HUZZAH! We’ve got it all, from controversial news across the pond, to a hilarious (and slightly gross) game of Character Storm (with a special Masters of… Continue Reading


297: Lokio Drift

 It’s MCU takeover time! This week the boys discuss both Loki AND Modok in the main topic. Spoilers abound! And for the warm up they talk the newest Shang-Chi trailer and unpack EVERYTHING stuffed into that little gem! All… Continue Reading


291: The Hulk is on a Quest to get Spaghetti

 The Hulk! AND spaghetti! In ONE EPISODE?!?! GADZOOKS!! This week has everything, from hearing Kyle pitch new hilarious Hulk comics as The Immortal Hulk comes to an end, to hearing each of us make pitches for more obscure/underused characters,… Continue Reading


288: The Zemo Shuffle

 Falcon and the Winter Soldier has come to an end and the boys made sure not to utter a word about it until it’s done! …. well, let the floodgates open! A review and discussion on Disney +’s newest… Continue Reading