466: Constant2

 John Constantine! This month he celebrates not once, not twice but… no… well, yea, twice. It’s been 40 years since his first appearance in Swamp Thing and 20 years since the Keanu Reeves helmed film was released! Wow. So… Continue Reading


395: How Titans Stopped Worrying and Embraced the “Dick”

Pass the fancy wireless remote, tune in to the tube, get out the TV Guide and let me know if we need to set the VCR —- it’s time to talk about comic-based TV shows! Particularly the current state of… Continue Reading


197: Raising Cable

 This week the boys take it on the road! …. or at least talk about comic characters taking it on the road. With Spidey: Far from Home coming out they discuss heroes out & about, traveling the world! And… Continue Reading