425: Could You Turn Human Bones into Glue?

We’ve got a real Beast Wars situation on our hands! Okay, so maybe not a *real* Beast Wars situation, what with the no Transformers to speak of, but more of a lower case beast wars situation. These beasts, they be… Continue Reading


Classic Zero Issues 2 (2023): A Lenny Kravitz Situation

 It’s CLASSIC ZERO ISSUES time as the boys take some time off to find themselves and reconnect to nature. This week….. the FOOMER!! It’s time to FOOM it up!! Yup! We’re talking about that ol’ space dragon monster, Fin… Continue Reading


260: A Lenny Kravitz Situation

 It’s time to FOOM it up!! Yup! We’re talking about that ol’ space dragon monster, Fin Fang Foom! Each of the boys does their pitch of a Foom story to be told to take the Foom where the Foom… Continue Reading


140: Long Pause, Then a Sawhorse

Oh my! Today is a day the boys travel in time! Whether it’s to tell you the comic news (because it’s recorded several weeks before it airs!), or Bry goes to back over a decade to make a superhero movie… Continue Reading