258: The Gunn Show (and other news)

<iframe src=”https://archive.org/embed/zero-issues-258-the-gunn-show-and-other-news” width=”100%” height=”60″ frameborder=”0″ webkitallowfullscreen=”true” mozallowfullscreen=”true” allowfullscreen></iframe> We haven’t done a news episode for a while, and there’s a whole bunch of somewhat-new and new-new stuff we want to talk about, so here we are! The Superman teaser dropped… Continue Reading


455: The Birthday Bunch

Today is Bry’s birthday, and to celebrate he’s taking the reins for a birthday-themed variety show! First up, the boys perform a Dramatic Reading of the “Jughead” classic where Ms. Grundy is going to celebrate her birthday — whether she… Continue Reading


392: Face It, Tiger – A Romita Retrospective

This week we celebrate the life, career, and amazing legacy John Romita, Sr! From his youth growing up during the golden-age comics boom, to becoming perhaps one of the first fans-turned-pros as he cut his teeth as a comic-book artist… Continue Reading


Episode 34: Worst Villains – Welcome to Brick Town

By “worst” villains, we mean the most terrible.  By “terrible,” we mean, like, the ones that are really bad.  By “really bad…” I… Look, we’re talking villains that suck, this week.  C-Listers, or the overused, or ones that were a… Continue Reading