417: Dragula Continues… The Marvel Echo Review

 A new Marvel Series is out! ECHO! Echo… echo…. echo…. ok. We’re going to use that joke a few times. Get comfortable as we discuss this new Marvel Disney+ series. Was it good? Was it bad? What worked? What… Continue Reading


414: Wax for Cap’s Shield

 It’s HOLIDAY time, folks! So we have a special Christmas episode on Zero Issues… where Kyle & Merk send Bry on a mission with an impossible gift list…. and then they talk about comic characters. Because THAT’S what the… Continue Reading


411: A Werewolf Having a Panic Attack

 It’s CELERY SLAM 3!!! The super popular and not at all made up by us annual event between Halloween & Christmas when characters associated with each of those holidays go head to head in a battle of … celery…… Continue Reading


401: Tin Foil Hypnotism

 Indie Comics!!! New indie comics!! We at Zero Issues LOVE indie stuff ( I know, I know, we talk about the big 2 a LOT) and we love indie creators and crowdfunding too! So this week we’re chatting with… Continue Reading


399: Double Bowie Krang

 We’re back together! No, really. We are. The boys are back together in the same room for the first time after zoom recording for a LONG time. So what do we have planned? um…. nothing. We’re just gonna get… Continue Reading


Newsflash: May 8, 2023

 Zero Issues Newsflash for May 8, 2023! Jim Lee becomes Emperor of DC! The Writers Strike, how does it impact comic movies? 3 new DC mini series coming! Whoopi Goldberg’s Dark Horse Graphic Novel! And Fantastic Four Casting Rumours… Continue Reading


359: Ted Talk

 Man-Thing! Man-Thing! Man-Thing! Say it THREE times into a mirror…. and you’ll be asked to leave that public washroom. Trust us. With Werewolf by Night appearing on Disney+ comes the MONSTERS!! And with the monsters….TED!! aka Man-Thing! In the… Continue Reading


300: Somebody Says Something Stupid and That’s the Title

 WOW!! 300 episodes!! It’s a big moment for these three little nerd boys, so to celebrate talking about comics for 300 maniacal podcast episodes, we do something a little different and ply deep into each other’s psyches with a… Continue Reading