Here comes Daredevil! Again! He’s being born! Again! This week, we’re talking about the first four episodes of the new really-really-in-the-MCU-this-time Daredevil show. What we liked, what we really didn’t like, and why every part of a story matters… Continue Reading


438: Frank Miller’s Love Chunks

This week, our city screams (not unlike a certain Robot Cop screaming for Oreos) that it wants us to talk about Frank Miller, and we, our city’s, uh, lover, are honour-bound to oblige it! What was our first exposure to… Continue Reading


Newsflash for January 29, 2024

Whoa, look at all this news! What if… Marvel used their “What If…” brand for Aliens comics… and also gave us the Paul Reiser / Phil Noto crossover we’ve all long dreamed of? Right?? If you’re an X-Fan who would… Continue Reading


392: Face It, Tiger – A Romita Retrospective

This week we celebrate the life, career, and amazing legacy John Romita, Sr! From his youth growing up during the golden-age comics boom, to becoming perhaps one of the first fans-turned-pros as he cut his teeth as a comic-book artist… Continue Reading


345: I Would Like to Taste the Horsey Sauce

The Thunderbolts are ready to strike the MCU! A director has been hired, and that means it’s time to wildly speculate about who and what the team of villains-turned-heroes will be when they hit the big screen! To the point… Continue Reading