240: Just a Green Bobby Hill

Mother’s Day was, uh, almost two weeks ago… and to, um, celebrate… we’re talking about the worst-ever kids in comics! We compare the worst of the Robins! We discover the fourth, psychotic nephew of Donald Duck! We assemble an all-star… Continue Reading


142: Creaky Bones and a Jughead Face

 This week, the boys are down a member. Bry is off looking for the cure for polio but Merk & Kyle are still here for LIGHTNING ROUND!!! A barrage of quick topics & bits it is! Merk will explain… Continue Reading


Episode 18: Team Ups – Magneater!

This week we team up with the good people at Sleeping Giant Brewing Company (okay, we do that every episode) to talk about comic book team-ups! Archie Meets the Punisher, Challenge of the Headless Baseball Team, and Namor and Doom… Continue Reading