416: Cucking Azazel

 Happy January the 10th! This week, we’re talking about what we want in the world of comics this year. They aren’t big asks! We simply request that maybe the Big Two don’t turn everything into an event, tell smaller,… Continue Reading


299: Jim “Shooter” McGavin – A Zero Hour Tie-In

Comics: Interrupted! This week, on the brink of an anniversary episode that will *change everything forever* [not a guarantee], we look back at one of our most-hated comic trends – the invasive crossover event that disrupts your monthly titles and… Continue Reading


287: Jim Cummings

 Chocolate and peanut butter, cats and dogs living together, monkeys fighting lizards, that’s what this episode’s all about! We’re taking things that should not be together, and smashing them against each other like so many…smashy…thingies… Moon Knight and The… Continue Reading


134: The Human E-Meter

This week the boys take a look at probably nobody’s favourite Avenger, Triathalon, and try to find a way to make the much-unloved character better! There are at least two really solid ideas in here, we promise! Also: We sort… Continue Reading