464: We Should All Stop Dating Quicksilver

In honour of Valentine’s Day, as well as cynicism, we’re discussing each others’ picks for WORST COMIC BOOK COUPLES! Some couples just don’t work, even beyond the usual ups and downs of decades-long continuity. Maybe you root for them, but… Continue Reading


315: The Skrull Cows Show Up in This!

You KNOW it’s serious when it’s superhero event time and “war” is in the title! Even though it happens with just alarming regularity, really. We dig deep into a wild variety of superhero war stories: The Kree-Skrull War, The Evolutionary… Continue Reading


301: Nicolas Cage Tai Chi

 We’re all extremely ill with Olympics fever this week, and the only cure for Olympic fever? Our own Olympics, with Jughead, and Bumblebee, and Randy Quaid! Listen in as we argue over which of our clearly-not-thought-through champions deserves the… Continue Reading


271: Remy LeBeau’s Homemade Spicy Gumbo (and other cards against human decency)

2020 is over, bay-bee! And to close out a gross year, let’s play a gross game: comic cards against humanity! And fair warning, this gets VERY raunchy very quickly. Not safe for work, or the kids, or anyone with their… Continue Reading


196: Dial B for Blister

Canada Day approaches! And to celebrate we’re talking all about superheroes who exhibit the most important Canadian quality: a thin veneer of politeness! (And even that’s asking a lot of these guys, yeesh.) What characters and creators are sorry? And… Continue Reading