470: That’s the Way the Cookie Crumbles

 Here comes Daredevil! Again! He’s being born! Again! This week, we’re talking about the first four episodes of the new really-really-in-the-MCU-this-time Daredevil show. What we liked, what we really didn’t like, and why every part of a story matters… Continue Reading


411: A Werewolf Having a Panic Attack

 It’s CELERY SLAM 3!!! The super popular and not at all made up by us annual event between Halloween & Christmas when characters associated with each of those holidays go head to head in a battle of … celery…… Continue Reading


197: Raising Cable

 This week the boys take it on the road! …. or at least talk about comic characters taking it on the road. With Spidey: Far from Home coming out they discuss heroes out & about, traveling the world! And… Continue Reading