388: Spider-Man’s Greatest Enemy: Reptile!

 Spider(-Man), he is our hero! This week, we take a break from doing deep dives, taxing our brains thinking about new and unique things to do on the podcast, and just do what makes us happy: talkin’ ’bout Spider-Man.… Continue Reading


386: Taserface II – Requiem

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 is upon us, all 600 distinct versions of it, and we were lucky enough to see version #539! And maybe we were some of the lucky few, because nobody else seems to be talking… Continue Reading


239: I’m Weisz to You

 So, this episode gets a little weird, for some reason! We’ve got some really interesting news about the current state of the comic book industry, and Merk has a very fun quiz, but then, in our main segment, which… Continue Reading