395: How Titans Stopped Worrying and Embraced the “Dick”

Pass the fancy wireless remote, tune in to the tube, get out the TV Guide and let me know if we need to set the VCR —- it’s time to talk about comic-based TV shows! Particularly the current state of… Continue Reading


390: Bizarro Farts Cold

 Which Ninja Turtle smells the worst? How many birds has Wonder Woman killed with her invisible jet? Does Beast Boy need to know what a cow looks like in order to turn into a cow? What If the A-Team… Continue Reading


386: Taserface II – Requiem

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 is upon us, all 600 distinct versions of it, and we were lucky enough to see version #539! And maybe we were some of the lucky few, because nobody else seems to be talking… Continue Reading


330: It’s Disgusting Shakespeare, Is What It Is

Peacemaker cameth and wenteth, and we have many thoughts on what we have seen! How did the show rapidly evolve? What made it even possible? What parts do we especially love as shameless James Gunn fans? How amazing was that… Continue Reading


312: Morbius, Morbius, Morbius, and Kevin Bacon

The Spooky Month continues, and this week it’s our spookiest trick yet – fixing a character! Namely, good ol’ living vampire Michael “Morbius” Morbius! Now Morbius is a perfectly fine science vampire, but for some reason we just can’t sink… Continue Reading