Hey, let’s put all that structure aside for an episode, and just relax by the fire and have a friendly chat about comics. Doesn’t that sound nice?
We discuss comic runs that just didn’t do right by their character or concept: Merk compares the new wave of Conan comics from Titan coming off Conan being a friggin’ Avenger over at Marvel, Kyle mourns for the lost potential in the Krakoan era and the wacky island hijinx so suddenly torn from us, and Bry gripes about the current status of Spider-Man (again!?) as we get into the modern habit of abrupt status-quo changes, relaunches, and gimmicks in superhero titles.
Aside from the X-Men and Deadpool and everyone’s fave Kraven, we’re looking at a relative comic-media drought for 2024. Does this signal the end of superhero dominance in Hollywood? Are we just getting a much-needed breather? Or is a bigger shift in the movie business brewing? (I mean, we don’t know, we’re indie comics podcasters, sheesh.)
All this and more! Including talking about the things we don’t have more time to talk about!? What an episode!
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