347: Click This! You’ll Hate It!

 It’s new comic day, so therefore it’s new podcast day too!! And this week we’re talking directors. Film directors. And specifically film directors that do NOT like comic book films (for a variety of reasons). We discuss that a… Continue Reading


345: I Would Like to Taste the Horsey Sauce

The Thunderbolts are ready to strike the MCU! A director has been hired, and that means it’s time to wildly speculate about who and what the team of villains-turned-heroes will be when they hit the big screen! To the point… Continue Reading


344: He’s Got a Tubular Spatial, Baby!

 It’s LIGHTNING ROUND TIME! Krackakoom? A bevy of short topics this week such as the recent Marvel Banner of War Hulk/Thor battle (in which we discuss what Celestial bits are floating in space), Kyle runs a game of SUPERFIGHT… Continue Reading