467: Cloak and Dagger and Alan Moore’s Horny Cthulhu

It’s been a bit since we had a “Fix This Character” episode, in which we reimagine underperforming characters in wildly different ways! This time: CLOAK and DAGGER! And to be honest, Ty and Tandy are great and don’t really need… Continue Reading


421: Have We Ever Talked About Doctor Bong?

We were gonna do an episode on drugs for episode #420, but then we… aw, you know the song. This week we discuss drugs in comics, the comic characters who likely partake, the wild and weird fictional drugs, Does the… Continue Reading


Episode 37: Drugs – Tripping Superballs

All-Winners don’t use drugs! Except when they totally do. This week the boys are talking all about the superheroes who’ve been “on” the “juice”! And that means Miraclo, Venom, the Super Soldier Serum, Kick, and… Chocos? We’ve got all this… Continue Reading