308: Magneto of Green Gables

It’s a big election week this week in ol’ Canada, so the boys have decided to talk politics! No! Come back! It’s us! We’re ridiculous about it and it all involves comic books!
How would Batman vote?
What comic characters would take over & run a small eastern block nation?
And we discuss Magneto taking Prince Edward Island for his own.
This and SO MUCH MORE!!! Really… there’s a lot.
We warm up with a new game of ‘Explain this to me’ where Merk asks the others to explain things they know little (or nothing) about.
And of course the news! Mignola returns! Marvel Action Line does not!
Captain Krakoa…. is a thing. A Twisted Metal tv show is on the way! And Hit Monkey is actually going to happen!
So take some ‘Mackie Time’ and hang with us for a bit. 

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