196: Dial B for Blister

Canada Day approaches! And to celebrate we’re talking all about superheroes who exhibit the most important Canadian quality: a thin veneer of politeness! (And even that’s asking a lot of these guys, yeesh.) What characters and creators are sorry? And… Continue Reading


187: Just Mash John Larroquette in There

Who’s ready for a lightning round!? This week we answer the questions no one else dares to ask! What lesser-known online niche show should you watch? If you had to permanently kill a character at Marvel and DC, who would… Continue Reading


171: Heckblazers

 You ever read an issue of The Invisibles…on weeeed? Look, we were going to post this episode ever, but we got soooo high, and, like, we were all whoooooa… I know I’m offending someone with this writeup, and y’know… Continue Reading