It’s time for another LIGHTNING ROUND! Featuring multiple concise but electric mini-segments! No attention span required!
Kyle challenges us to pit randomly-selected comic characters against each other in battle with weapons, in a completely original segment we’re calling, uh, SUPAR FITES: “Fellow Chucker” Alfred vs. “Bird Master” Skin! Vandal Savage with New Hat vs. Tombstone with a Super Mario mushroom! Mister Terrific, turned into a pig like that JLU episode vs. Dex-Starr, except the kitty cannot stop tooting! And then, a round of “COOL OR FOOL”, in which we decide if comic characters would be cool when we need them to be cool! (Spoiler: Hawkman does not pass the test.)
Bry actually had some time to read comics recently and he wants to talk about ‘em in a couple READ THIS NOW segments! First, the very refreshing new “Ultimate Spider-Man” book from Jonathan Hickman, Marco Chechetto & Matthew Wilson! Then, a slightly belated review of “The Midnite Show” by Cullen Bunn, Brian Hurtt, Bill Crabtree & Jim Campbell! BONUS: we chat about the publishing schedule of horror comics, and also reminisce about those fold-out recap sections Marvel used to have; they should bring those back.
Merk leads us in DREAM PROJECTS, presenting us with hypothetical artist / writer teams and we have to choose the projects they collaborate on! Including the likes of: Brian K. Vaughan & Jaime Hernandez on “She-Hulk”! Garth Ennis & Simon Bisley on “Conan the Barbarian”! Grant Morrison & Fiona Staples on “Bucky O’Hare”! Kevin Smith & Todd McFarlane on… something that never gets completed? Frank Miller & Travis Charest on “Prez, the Teenage President”! Neil Gaiman & Junji Ito on “Hellboy”! And more!? Wow, what an episode!!
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