463: A ‘What the F was I supposed to do about this’ Clause

 It’s a Lava Lamp Episode! In that we are just bringing up whatever topics and chatting about everything! What does that have to do with lava lamps? These three knuckleheads have no idea. Tariffs are first up! How do… Continue Reading


Newsflash: May 29, 2023

A “shocking development” in The Amazing Spider-Man leaked weeks ahead of its release, leading to a public confirmation and what appear to be extremely mixed feelings about the whole thing! Can you believe Gwen Stacy is back, she was just… Continue Reading


235: 3 Rosenbaums and a Snyder Cut

 Well Easter just went by so it’s time for the boys to take a look at comic characters that come back from the dead….. so basically everyone. But they do explore the hilarity of a few like Jean Grey… Continue Reading