We were gonna do an episode on drugs for episode #420, but then we… aw, you know the song. This week we discuss drugs in comics, the comic characters who likely partake, the wild and weird fictional drugs, Does the Avengers party-animal Beast cover the weed stank in his fur with patchouli? Do Thor and Jarvis share war stories over bong hits? Which version of Superman got high on Kryptonite dust? What are the subtle differences between MGH, Kick, and Ultimate Banshee (a drug, not a man)? What’s up with real-life weed strains named after superheroes, especially if the effects don’t even suit the character?? The answers lie in the episode, so grab something from Dr. Strange’s secret stash and join us in the Ditko Dimension! But don’t take any Bzrk… or any Tek from TekWar…
But first, we warm up buys by flexing our creative muscles with a grab-bag of scenarios and questions, including: If Thanos had a comedy sidekick, who would it be? What happens when a squad of lightning-based heroes and villains have a pool party? When Billy Batson “Shazams” into The Captain (Marvel), does he turn into a different person or does he just electric-blast past the awkward adolescence and get powers on the way? And uh, what if Man-Thing was a sexy vampire? What if, huh?
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