We’ve got a real Beast Wars situation on our hands! Okay, so maybe not a *real* Beast Wars situation, what with the no Transformers to speak of, but more of a lower case beast wars situation. These beasts, they be a-warrin’! This week, March Madness returns with an animal-themed twist! Who’s going to be king of the jungle? It’s going to be better than that new Godzilla movie, but probably not as good as the Godzilla movie from a few months ago, because, like, that one won an Oscar? That’s pretty neat.
But first! Merk has a brand new card game for us to play, and by brand new, I mean it’s basically a comic book version of that card game A**hole. Which means it’s going to be great, because that game’s almost as good as that Godzilla movie! The good one, the Oscar one.
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