Episode 39: Daredevil – The Horniest Man in New York

Hey, you guys like Daredevil? We sure do! We like gritty Daredevil, we like swashbuckling Daredevil, we like Affleck Daredevil, even… We like ’em all! Except Shadowland, Shadowland was dumb. Let’s chat about this fella! Oh, and hey! Zero Issues… Continue Reading


Episode 34: Worst Villains – Welcome to Brick Town

By “worst” villains, we mean the most terrible.  By “terrible,” we mean, like, the ones that are really bad.  By “really bad…” I… Look, we’re talking villains that suck, this week.  C-Listers, or the overused, or ones that were a… Continue Reading


Episode 32: Romance – Jor-El Brought it up Specifically

It’s Valentines Day, so we’re getting sexy!* Who hasn’t Wolverine slept with? Who are the perfect women for Superman and Spider-Man? Betty vs. Veronica (scram, Cheryl Blossom, you’re the Poochie of the Archie Universe!) We get far too sexually charged… Continue Reading