“Which production logo are we using this time, fellas?” This week, we’re covering the DC Animated Universe of Films, or I guess it’s more of a multiverse, or DCAUFOIGIMOAM. What are the good ones? What are the duds? Is DC stopping making them, because there aren’t any scheduled after ANOTHER Watchmen adaptation. If that’s the case, what should DC have done with what, by and large, is a pretty neat idea?
Plus! If you haven’t gotten your fill of fighting, Bry’s gonna sweep you off to maybe-prehistoric-Earth for a little Beasties Warries, as we all decide who the toughest animalistic comic characters are. Plus plus, turtles.
NOTE: I tried to find a picture of Andrea Romano looking angry for the week’s episode image, but apparently she’s just a lovely person who is always smiling.
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