Whole lotta news this week, so let’s get into it!
There’s a new Spider-Man swinging his way onto the pages of your comics, and this one’s married, just like you nerds have been crying about for the last ten years! Well, okay, not exactly like you’ve been crying about, but close enough for you.
DC launched a new imprint, DC Compact, with the goal of making sure Alan Moore never gets the rights back to Watchmen. Also, the goal of beating manga in the “selling small, thick books for a lower pirce” game. The first goal is a a given, but the second? Only time will tell.
Also, the sky is falling at the MCU, everyone’s doomed, everything’s the worst. What happened, and what’s happening now? We try to unpack that, just a little bit.
Finally, Superman and Lois is getting one more season to wrap things up. It’s real nice that it didn’t just get outright cancelled, so let’s see how that goes! And let’s see…oh my gosh, Lex Luthor? What a shock!
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