It’s a Lava Lamp Episode! In that we are just bringing up whatever topics and chatting about everything! What does that have to do with lava lamps? These three knuckleheads have no idea.
Tariffs are first up! How do these effects comics? Comic consumers? Comic makers? Indie comic creators? Kyle brings up Hank Howard Pizza Detective Kickstarter and the troubles insuing…. (This is recorded on Feb 2 and things may have changed drastically. Every day …. something else)
Diamond Distribution Bankruptcy! Wowzers! A 40 year monopoly comes crashing down! We sift through the rubble!
Tubi Conan or not Tubi Conan. THAT is the questions! Merk talks the ’97 live action Conan series he just rediscovered on Tubi along with a few other Tubi gems! (Hey Tubi! Sponsor us!)
Comic characters on social media. Does Peter Parker have an Only Fans to pay the rent?
We anticipate how we’re going to be disappointed by the FF Trailer.
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